Lidar - The Laser That's Changing the World: Lidar


Lidar - The Amazing Stories behind Lidar from 3D Mapping to Self-Driving Cars

This book illustrates Lidar technology, its history and impact on society today. Lidar technology, uses laser light instead of microwaves and its main role today is within Autonomous vehicles.

Author Todd Neff looks at the key innovators who have used Lidar technology, such as MIT scientist Louis Smullin, who used Lidar to bounce light off the moon, Allan Carswell, who pioneered aerial lidar for coastal mapping and Red Whittaker, who is thought to be the first to use with robots autonomous contraptions in the early 80s; The first Modern use by David Hall, on a Toyota vehicle is also covered.

The future of lidar then looks at unmanned air taxis, U.S. nuclear weapons, satellites, surveillance, security and of course the continuing use of Lidar technology on Autonmous vehicles. 

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Further Reading:
Garmin Lidar Lite v3HP - Laser based Sensor
Garmin Lidar Lite v3 - Laser based Sensor
Keeping Autonomous vehicle, Lidar, Cameras & Sensors clean