nanotol® sealant is a unique nano sealant for glass, plastic and virtually all surfaces of the car.
It works without any solvents on all smooth, non-absorbent finishes to repel fat, dirt, oil, and water.
Nanotol itself does not clean anything. It just prepares the surface, so all that is needed is plain water for cleaning with. The use of nano technology causes the water to "bead up" on the coated surfaces. The water particles then remove the loose dirt, leaving a clean surface.
Once a surface is treated, you can then just wash or even rinse your car with clean water – There is no need for washing with any other detergent, chemicals or wax products. Plus, with Nanotol coated surfaces you do not have to clean your car or anything else as often. In fact, on average, Nanotol reduces cleaning times by more than 50%
But, apart from just cleaning your car, including all Automobile surfaces, Windscreens, Headlamps, the major interest for most readers of this article, may be concerning the maintenance of the key exterior safety and navigation modules and devices of the Autonomous car. The use of Nano technology will allow you to keep your safety critical areas, such as Lidar, Radar, Sensors and Cameras, much cleaner and for much longer.
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