Neither human nor machine vision can “see” what is happening in 2 kilometers, around the corner, or in front of the truck they’re following.
HERE Hazard Warnings™ completely changes the game by alerting drivers in advance of upcoming road conditions along their journey. Fewer surprises, fewer incidents, greater safety, delivering timely alerts to drivers and making roads more predictable.
HERE Hazard Warnings is an active safety service, notifying drivers of hazards down the road. This lets drivers proactively make the right driving decision before it’s too late. Taking vehicle sensor data pooled from cars on the road and correlating it with local weather conditions (where applicable), drivers – and in the future, self-driving cars – can feel confident that the warnings they see are trustworthy.
Hands free, distraction free
HERE Hazard Warnings reduces the need for drivers to perform any manual action to report on dangerous road conditions. Instead the events are created automatically once vehicle sensors experience them.
Delivered only where it counts
With enhanced map-matching, HERE Hazard Warnings precisely localizes hazards and alerts just for road users travelling in the affected area. This helps to ensure road safety and supports OEMs to save on redundant data transmission costs.
Fueling more efficient journeys
By knowing what obstacles are on the road, unnecessary acceleration and deceleration can be avoided, making fuel consumption more efficient.
Coverage, far and wide
Across all geographies, even the largest OEMs can’t achieve the volume of data required for automotive-grade services. Aggregating data from multiple OEM brands enables HERE to provide the most robust, global coverage.
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